Understand the mechanics that catch your attention

An analysis of the methods used that catch your attention in digital applications.

⏤ Why this document?
Discover the mechanics used by tech giants that capture your attention. These mechanics can be concerning about excessive smartphone use that can increase stress and anxiety. Constant notifications, social comparison and the pressure to stay connected...

⏤ For who ?
Without judging whether or not the commercial techniques are ethical. I'm just aiming for more symmetry for users in order to give you the keys to understanding the hidden mechanics that capture your attention in order to maintain control of your digital consumption.

Incentive mechanics

⏤ What ?
Engagement incentives are mechanisms designed to encourage users to regularly interact with an application.

⏤ But why ?
Used to maintain continuous interaction with the user. They exploit the human need to stay informed, triggered by the fear of missing out.

Reciprocity bias
Scarcity Bias
Confirmation Bias
Loss Aversion Effect

Persistent Calls to Action

Alerts sent directly to the user's device to attract their attention and encourage them to return to the application.

Foot-in-the-door bias

Obtaining small initial commitments to increase the chances of obtaining larger commitments later.

Dark Patterns

Intentionally misleading design to lead users to make decisions they would not otherwise make.

Incentive mechanics mockup

Reward mechanics

⏤ What ?
Mechanisms that provide immediate and positive feedback to users when they perform specific actions.

⏤ But why ?
These mechanisms exploit the instant gratification bias, where users seek quick rewards, making using the app more rewarding and addictive.

Intermittent Reinforcement
Anchoring bias
Positive Reinforcement
Social comparison bias

Reward system

Awarding points, badges, levels, or other forms of recognition to encourage desired behaviors.

Variable Feedback Loops

Intermittent or unpredictable rewards that make using the app more addictive by exploiting the pleasure of surprise.

Social engagement

Integrating social elements like likes, comments and shares to encourage ongoing interaction and create a sense of community.

Reward mechanics mockup

Habit mechanics

⏤ What ?
Designed to integrate app usage into the user’s daily routine. This includes recurring loops, where regular reminders and incentives encourage continued usage.

⏤ But why ?
By ensuring that users return regularly, often automatically. These mechanisms exploit the human nature to seek consistency and familiarity, thus strengthening loyalty.

Status Quo Bias
Escalation of commitment
Sunk Cost Fallacy


Creating action loops that become habits, making users more likely to return regularly.


Adapting content and recommendations based on user behavior, preferences and data.

Infinite Scroll

Presenting an endless stream of continuous content to encourage users to stay and consume more content.

Habit mechanics mockup

Friction mechanics

⏤ What ?
Barriers and frictions include mechanisms that make it difficult for users to leave or stop using the app.

⏤ But why ?
By increasing obstacles or creating a sense of incompleteness, these mechanisms encourage users to stay longer.

Loss Aversion Effect
Sunk Cost Fallacy
Choice overload
Status Quo Bias

Options Overload

Presenting many options to encourage users to spend more time exploring and comparing.

Zeigarnik effect

Exploiting individuals' tendency to remember unfinished or interrupted tasks.

Exit Barriers

Making it difficult to close or disengage, often by placing incentives or delaying exit actions.

Friction mechanics mockup

⏤ et Voila !

Hope it was useful.