Anycommerce Logo
NOV. 2017 — Aug. 2020
Product Design/ Lead Design System
Project Overview
The Anycommerce platform has been thought out to answer retailers' transformation stakes. It is natively omnichannel and enables you to offer all customer journeys. Restore meaning to store visits and ease traffic in points of sale thanks to the applications and devices.
My Contributions
I worked at wynd as a product designer and design system lead. My mission as a product designer was to build an application for retailers that allow users to manage products, inventory, orders, sales, stores and customer information.
In transversal I was initiator and owner of the design system co-constructed by a team of 12 designers.
anycommerce mockup
anycommerce mockup

How to give the best retail experience ?

User testing is often used to verify our assumptions, understand users, and iterate to improve before committing a budget to develop features. Whether in person or remotely, I have organized a lot of workshops with users and with the stackholder.

I use Maze as a tool to share and analyze heatmaps and insights. User comments are kept on a KPI dashboard in Notion and User Journey Maps while quickly iterating on the blocking points to improve to maintain maximum velocity.

I was able to easily get in touch with the actual users of their profession, we all have a large sales brand near us and salespeople to talk to about their field issues.

Use case - Users test
anycommerce mockup
anycommerce mockup

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